Thursday, 26 September 2013

Magazine draft

Magazine Names

·         Plantsbrook news
·         PB MAG
·         The brook
·         The brooks news
·         PB Daily
·         PB news
·         Plantsbrook news
·         Plants news
·         Plants mag
·         PBrook news
·         PBrook MAG

For my example mastheads I have chosen ‘PB news’ as my magazine name.


The audience which my magazine will be aimed at is teachers, pupils and parents/carers. The age range for these groups of people are 11+ therefore it needs to be eye catching otherwise the younger years will not be attracted and won’t find out important information. These will be both male and female. The core reader for this magazine is the students then the secondary will be the people that the students take it home to. 

Conventions of a contents page

·         Structured layout, usually in columns.
·         One main image on the main story in the magazine to attract customers
·         Titles of different pages with the correct page numbers
·         House style stays the same throughout
·         Masthead stays in the same place
·         Some magazines may have specific detail on what the article is about 
   Smaller images which are less important than the main one 

Conventions of a front cover

A front cover must have masthead which is the first thing the reader looks at, barcode, a main image on what the magazine is about, a puff which can also be known as the magazine slogan, stroke to make text more eye catching, pug/starbursts, pull quotes, a main headline, a strap line to show less important headlines, a banner and a well organised layout to provide a good visual syntax.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Preliminary Activity

As part of the Foundation Portfolio Coursework you must construct the front cover and contents page for a Plantsbrook School magazine
  • You must identify the conventions of these media products.
  • You will identify who the audience will be.
  • You must identify the type of content that would be included in this magazine.
  • You must develop ideas for names for the magazine.
  • You will develop ideas for the masthead for the magazine using Fireworks. 
  • You will develop rough ideas for the products.
  • You will plan a photo shoot.
  • You will produce the products.

·         The deadline for this activity work is 4th October 

Magazine Conventions